Edrive Mobile app for iPhone and iPad
Developer: Discobeat Software Ltd
First release : 15 Nov 2012
App size: 262.2 Kb
Mobile connection to edrive website for the upload of vehicle images taken on the fly by field engineers or site members. This system is for fully automatized data collection and record keeping.
Features include:
Login to database ( password required members only )
Easy record search by Name, Number, Ref Number
Edit field entries
Edit notes
Take images on the Fly without saving to phone memory
Auto rotate images
Rename images before upload
Upload images to database
Upload photos from Photo roll to database
Image required warning notification if some fields are left blank
Images auto linked to records
Once images are uploaded to the server they are auto resized on the server side to save space. This is only done through images uploaded through the APP and not through the Web Interface. This APP is only compatible with Apple Iphones and Ipads.